Holiday party planning tips

Are you gearing up for your holiday party over the next week weeks? Whether it be at a venue or happening in the comfort of your own home, we’ve got you covered. Our team has compiled inspiration from snacks, to games, to decor + tablescapes to help you tie up any loose ends.


While the possibilities are endless for a gorgeous holiday party tablescape, we have a few general ideas and rules of thumb for you! First of all, you can’t go wrong with seasonal fruits effectively scattered among beautiful pine or eucalyptus (pomegranates, dried orange slices, etc.). Next up, elevate your table - literally! Add some heibht to the mix with a fun, eclectic array of Christmas tree decor, candles, ornaments, whatever tickles your fancy! This will give your guests something to “ooh” and “ahh” over (and add to their IG stories)! Last but not least, feel free to keep it stylish + simple. Some evergreen and candles will create a high-end, cozy feel without a big lift on your end of things.



There are so many fun holiday drinks out there to try, but let’s not get too crazy! Naturally, you know your guests and their tastes best but we do find it a good rule of thumb to have one “light liquor” and one “dark liquor” option. You’ll never be able to please absolutely everyone but at least this approach can cover your bases as much as can be expected. Something else to keep in mind is to have a fruity option as well as a more classic approach to a cocktail. If you add in some wine + beer to the mix, we’re confident your guests will leave happy.


Hors D’oeuvres

At Jonathan Byrd’s, we firmly believe that it isn’t a true party without a good food spread. Don’t drive yourself nuts with a full course meal and set out a beautiful and delicious snack spread for your guests to much on! Make sure you cover all of your bases with vegan, gluten free, vegetarian, and carnivorous options! (90% of that can be addressed with a top-notch charcuterie board, tbh.) But keep it simple with dips, things that can be thrown in the crockpot, and snacks that take 15 minutes or less to prepare! Check out a few of our favorites below.

Or, if you’re trying to go all out with a meal without the fuss, give your friends at Jonathan Byrd’s a call for a guaranteed delicious meal. :)


Party games

Get people moving and grooving with a few activities! We don’t always advise going overboard with the itinerary for a laid back party but you know your friends and family better than we do - so go with what you know! It’s always nice to have a fun game or even an ongoing challenge/activity to participate in that will guarantee easy conversation between your friends who might not know each other too well (yet)!


Small (but special) details

There’s no denying that the details are sometimes the most memorable part of a party! Those tiny things you can do quickly that really show you went the extra mile to make everyone feel special + welcome this holiday season - and that’s really what it’s all about! These are just a few cute ideas for things that add to the magic both during the party and as party favors that we have seen + were able to round up that will make your holiday get-together feel extra special + super festive.


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